My personal Neovim config and setup details.




  1. Gruvbox color scheme
  2. Fuzzy Search (Fzf)
  3. CoC for NVIM
  4. ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine)
  5. VIM CSS Color (To show color on CSS)
  6. Lightline
  7. VIM Surround (Modify surrounding, eg. from "Test" to 'Test')
  8. VIM Git Gutter (To add git command)
  9. Polyglot (For various languages syntax highlighting, indentation, etc.)
  10. Suda (Run sudo directly on vim if sudo is needed)
  11. Emmet
  12. Vim startify (Change vim startup page)
  13. Undotree (Show undo changes)
  14. NERDCommenter (For code commenting)
  15. NERDTree (File explorer)
  16. NERDTree Syntax Highlight